Dojo Enhanced Grid with Checkbox like radio button exmaple
There are some situations where we need to show Grid with Check box but should perform as Radio button. Below code snippet is an example of extended Dojo Enhanced Grid which shows Check-box but works as Radio button. Prerequisite : // 1. Dojo // 2. Add required dojo components like dojox/grid/EnhancedGrid used in required section. // 3. Include Enhanced grid css on jsp. Get it from dojo site. 1. JSP HTML code snippet. <!-- Enhanced grid data placeholder --> <div id="gridData"> <div id="gridDataCP" data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/ContentPane"></div> </div> 2. JavaScript code snippet. /************************************************************************* * Dojo Enhanced Grid implementation with checkbox, * but achieved functionalites like single select radio button. **************************************************************************/ /** * Enhanced grid implementation us...